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Sage50 Cloud

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Sage Business Partners 
Sage Business Partner
As a Sage Business Partner we are accredited by Sage to provide and support users of the Sage 50 software suite. Our Accreditation consists of attending courses and taking yearly exams on the software. Passing on our knowledge with new releases of the software, features and enhancements of the software. We have the backing of Sage with dedicated Account Managers and direct links to Support. Our own in house software is up to date and we have access to On-line resources and Bulletins. As a Partner we have Sage 50 Accounts and  Payroll Reseller status.
Accounts Software Range 
The Sage 50 Range of Accounts software caters for a variety of Business needs starting at the entry level Sage Cloud to Sage 50 Accounts Professional with options for multiple users and Companies. Similarly the Payroll to allows for a number of Employees, Users and optional Pension Assessment module. Construction Industry Software CIS and HR compliment the above products. We assist and recommend 3rd Party software integrations for Sage 50 Cloud Accounts and Payroll. As an aditional service we can provided Cim50 Manufacturing Software.
Report Design
The Sage Report Designer is part of the Accounts and Payroll programs and used to produce the Standard Reports and Layouts out of the box. With our help we can develop the Designer to create bespoke layouts and Reports, such as Invoices and Statements in a personalised way for your business. The Designer is also a very powerful tool for extracting your Sage Data to Excel using ODBC drivers and with this Microsoft Query can be used to create Pivot Tables in Excel and giving high quality presentations. 
Sage Services
Conversion of Data
Report Design
Year End Routines
Security and Access
Backup Strategies
Stock Control
Budgeting Depts
Third Party Integration
Latest Products
Sage 50 Accounts v31 
Sage 50 Payroll v30.01 
Sage Modules

●  Chart of Accounts and Nominal Ledgers   
●  Setup Customer and Suppliers Details  
●  Sales and Purchasing invoicing
●  Bank Accounts Payments and Receipts
●  Vat and Foreign Currency
●  Fixed Assets  
●  Stock Control
●  Project Costing
●  CIS Constructon Industry
●  Purchase and Sales Order Processing
●  Report Design
●  Upgrades

Sage Bespoke Templates
Report Design
Enhance your Company's image with Bespoke Designed Templates.
Sales Orders, Acknowlegements, Despatch Notes, Customer Invoices, Statements, Purchase Orders and Supplier Remittances.

We can provide Training and a provide a Bespoke Layout Design Service.
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Sage 50 Cloud Payroll
Sage Payroll the number one Payroll program in the UK. Supported by Sage and updated throughout the year. Incorporates all the features you need to run and efficient and  smooth running Payroll application adhering to Government Legislation.
Auto Enrolment and Pension Scheme
Sage 50 Payroll has the optional Pensions Module, which includes the ability to automate the complex manual tasks of AE. The software records which employees have opted in or out, whether they have made a pension contribution themselves and when the auto enrolment review date is due and can import and export from Pension providers. Including Nest and The Peoples Pension.
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●  Secure and  Safe
●  Compliant with HMRC
●  Automated Calculations
●  Managing Employees
●  Timesheet Entry
●  Statememt of Employment
●  Automated Year End
● On Line Payslips
●  Pensions Assesement
●  Automated Year End
● On Line Payslips
● Support and Updates
Manufacturing Cim50
Affordable Replacement for Sage 50 Manufacturing Software
CIM50 Modules
Stock Control
Bull of Materials
Works Orders
Shop Floor Collection

CIM50 is a modular system that provides you with all the tools you need to manage your business. Whether you are looking for enhanced Stock Control to go beyond the capabilities of Sage 50 Accounts, or are looking for a complete Manufacturing package to control all aspects of your business, CIM50 is a revolutionary new product that gives you the control and confidence you need from your business-critical software.

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Manage and Control your Stock
Total Flexibility
Increase Business Efficiency
Reduce Costs Delivery Times
Maintain Stock Levels
Flexible Pricing
Detailed Cost Analysis
Streamline Production Process
Control Your Built Items
Increase Product Profitability
Stock Control

Easily control your stock with CIM50 Stock Control. This module mirrors the available fields within Sage 50 Accounts, giving you one screen to maintain your stock records. The aim is to provide all Sage functionality, with the enhanced features from CIM50, within one easy-to-use interface. Take advantage of the new module, to utilise traceability, quarantine and the ability to amend sales order despatches or purchase order receipts. As with all CIM50 modules, Stock Control includes an additional 20 analysis codes that can be tailored and setup to suit your business requirements. Monitor key indicators for your stock; including supplier and despatch performance with cost variances.

Bill Of Materials

Configure your built items with CIM50 Bill of Materials. This module offers the flexibility to choose what’s right for your business, depending on your manufacturing requirements.Includes multi-level bill of materials with the ability to build and reverse build. The audit log allows you to track every change made, ensuring they are maintained correctly. An ongoing costing history, with a detailed breakdown, gives you the confidence that your build and purchase costs are accurate; capturing material, labour and machine overheads. You are able to assign components to relevant operations and detail on the appropriate paperwork to ensure components are only allocated when needed. Trial kitting multiple bill of materials, allows you to raise works orders and purchase orders for several jobs.

Works Orders

Manage your production with CIM50 Works Orders. This module allows you to follow the ‘build’ on the shop floor, with amendable documentation, detailing the quantities of components required, which operations are needed and when.

Raise purchase orders, despatch goods to your sub contract supplier and receive them back within one easy maintenance screen. Reserve your component stock, including batch numbers or serial numbers, or simply issue to the required build. Assign components to specific operations, which in turn, have their own due dates, meaning you only buy stock when you need it, easing cash flow and warehouse space.

Despatch in time with CIM50 Planning. This module is key to controlling your stock and ensuring goods are manufactured in time to despatch to your customers. Recommend purchase orders and works orders based on current demand held within Sage 50 and CIM50. Read from sales orders, sales forecasts, works orders and make to stock items. Or simply ensure that your stock levels are at the reorder level set against the stock record. After every MRP run, a simple document detailing how and why it has made the recommendations, enables the user to understand and interrogate the data easily. Automate MPS and MRP at a convenient time for your business.
Manage your sales with CIM50 Quotations. Create quotations for manufactured items, configuring them on the fly from within the record itself, including non-stock items. Define multiple price breaks with automatic cost calculation for pricing break quantities. Raise sales, purchase and works order from within your quote. Setup repeat service and miscellaneous items. View the detailed profit and loss, broken down by material, labour, machine, overheads and subcontract costs. Giving you full visibility of your costs, revenue and expected profit margins.
Shop Floor Data Collection
Process stock movements with CIM50 Shop Floor Data Capture (SFDC). This module allows you to process stock transactions from the convenience of a handheld tablet or workshop PC, working harmoniously with Stock Control, Bill of Materials and Works Orders. Integrating seamlessly with Stock Control, SFDC allows you to process stock location transfers and quarantine inspections against products. Generate purchase orders simply by scanning items that you require in your workshop. Effortlessly process goods for despatch, goods received and stock counts, with figures being automatically uploaded to CIM50. Immerse yourself in a plethora of features with SFDC and Works Orders. Allocate and issue stock simply by scanning component stock, batch or serial numbered items. Scrap components and finished items, record reasons and re-issue replacement components if required. Despatch and/or receive components that require subcontract processes. Complete a works order, booking finished items into stock. SFDC allows you to process BOM builds/reverse builds, scanning out/in component stock and adjusting in/out finished items.


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 01704 833588
 07831 809270

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